1. Membership grades of the Society shall be Honorary Members, Fellows, Professional Members, Members, Associate Members, Industrial Members and Student Members
  2. Membership in the Society shall not be transferable.
  3. Every person admitted to the Society shall be subjected to the constitution and bylaws of the Society.
  4. Members of all grades shall be appointed by the Executive Committee after satisfactory evaluation of the prescribed application forms submitted by applicants.
  5. An Honorary Member shall be a person of professional eminence whose accomplishments are related to the disciplines of agricultural or food engineering.
  6. A Fellow shall be a person of outstanding professional qualifications, having professional experience of not less than 25 years in the agricultural or food engineering fields, and has shown reputable professional leadership at not less than the national level in the same fields. There shall be no direct admission to this grade except only by transfer from the grade of Professional Member upon approval by the Executive Committee.
  7. A Professional Member shall be a graduate with either a bachelor or a postgraduate engineering degree and having not less than 5 years of active professional service in the agricultural or food engineering fields after graduation from the said degree programmes. There shall be no direct admission to this grade except only by transfer from the grade of Member upon approval by the Executive Committee.
  8. A Member shall be:

8(a) a graduate with a bachelor degree in agricultural or food engineering or;

8(b) a graduate with a bachelor degree in engineering and has a career related to agriculture or food.

8(c) a graduate with a bachelor degree in science or technology and a postgraduate engineering degree and has a career related to agriculture or food.

Acceptance of the bachelor or postgraduate engineering degree qualifications shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

     9. An Associate Member shall be

    9(a) a graduate with a diploma in engineering and has a career related to agriculture or food or;

   9(b) a bachelor degree in science or technology and has a career related to agriculture or food.

  1. A Student Member shall be a fulltime registered student at the diploma, bachelor or postgraduate levels in science, technology or engineering. However, no student shall become a member of the Society without prior written approval from the head of his/her institution.

10(a) A Student Member shall be affiliated with a student chapter of the Society registered with his/her institution.

10(b) The student chapter shall be known as MSAE-SC followed by the name of the institution where the chapter is established.

10(c) The student chapter shall be advised by at least two members of the academic staff of the institution in which the chapter is to be formed where at least one of whom shall be a member of the Society with Member grade.

10(d) The operation and finance of the student chapter shall be autonomous and shall be independent of the Executive Committee; however, an annual report shall be submitted to the Executive Committee before the end of January of each calendar year.

10(e) The terms and conditions for the establishment of a student chapter shall be according to the rules of the institution in which the chapter is to be formed, whereby in the absence of such rules, the terms shall be set by the Executive Committee.

10(f) No institution shall form a student chapter without prior written consent from the Executive Committee.

  1. An Industrial Member shall be an organization that deals in matters related to agricultural or food engineering. Upon admission, an Industrial Member shall be entitled to nominate one representative to participate in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Society.
  2. A Fellow, a Professional Member and a Member have voting and contesting rights according to the normal procedure of the Society. An Associate Member shall have voting right only.
  3. An Honorary Member, an Industrial Member and a Student Member shall not contest for any post of the Society and shall not have any voting rights.